Penrhyn Slate – when you want the very best

If you need a slate that is extremely durable, can withstand temperature extremes and is highly resistant to all sorts of chemicals, then our Welsh Penrhyn Slate is perfect for the job.

Penryhn Slate is considered to be one of the World’s finest roofing slates due to a number of impressive attributes.

    • It holds its colour – even is harsh light and wet climates
    • It is long-lasting and will easily give you 100+ years of service
    • It is hardy and can withstand extreme climates
    • It is available in large format tiles
  • And best of all – it looks fantastic

It is not unusual for Welsh roofing slates that adorn heritage buildings to be repurposed once a timber roof fails. For instance, Penrhyn slate, which had been on the 13th century St Asaph Cathedral in Wales for 400 years was removed during renovation and reused.

If you want the best slate roofing for you home of business call Slate NSW Ltd on: 0447 481 352 or