Penrhyn Slate Roofing
The Penrhyn quarry in Bethesda, North Wales has produced premium roofing slate since the 13th century. Penrhyn Welsh slate is regarded as being the best in the world, due to being extremely durable in extreme weather conditions, non fading and impermeable to water. Virtually every historical building in Sydney that has to have its roof replaced uses Penrhyn slate.
Reasons for using Penrhyn Welsh slate roofing tiles:
- Durable – 100 year life span (if installed correctly)
- Non fading natural colour
- Re-usable – you can expect a further 50 year life span
- Low maintenance
- Longevity – most cost effective roof slate possible
- Versatile and visually stunning natural slate tiles
Heather blue
Capital (county grade available on request)
500 x 300mm / 500 x 250mm / 400 x 250mm